Brera Design District

Design your life

La progettazione consapevole e sostenibile delle proprie scelte

During Brera Design Days, produced by Studiolabo in October 2018, there was much talk about sustainability and a green and choice-conscious design. Hence the inspiration that led us to choose the theme: “Design Your Life”, that draws inspiration from Bill Burnett and Dave Evans’ book (Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life, Alfred a Knopf Inc, September 2016).

If we were to adopt a design approach in our day-to-day choices, in our everyday life, we would probably be happier and less stressed. Suffice it to consider an error contained in a project, as an element recognized as fundamental in the research process that helps bring to perfection. On the contrary, an error in everyday life is seen as a catastrophe, not an element to learn from, but an obstacle, an episode to be erased.
Perhaps the lives of all the inhabitants of the planet are connected to each other by their mistakes. Just think of what we have (or have not) done for environmental sustainability. Today we pay the consequences of mistakes made in the past, which are still repeated nowadays.

“Design your life” is a call to design our own life. We ask designers to be more committed to the sustainable impact of their work. We ask everyone to behave as daring designers, because everyone’s thoughts and contributions are now essential.

MAIN SPONSOR Iris ceramiche